An update from our Wellbeing Hub
Our Wellbeing Hub, at the heart of our school, is home to a team whose role is to promote and support the wellbeing of students and staff*. Their work is varied and here we provide a snapshot of some of the things that staff and students have been involved with over recent weeks.
Four students attended ‘The Big Conversation’ at Detling Showground, along with students from 40 local schools. The event brought young people together for a range of interactive discussions, workshops and presentations around how to promote the improvement of health and care for everyone. They presented a case study that they had prepared and asked thought-provoking questions to mental health organisations such as CAMHS, school nurses and Imago. Students also enjoyed the opportunity to meet some alpacas as part of a mindfulness activity. On return to school they will be incorporating some of their findings into HSEE sessions.
A creative Year 13 student has developed a mindfulness colouring book, the printing of which was supported by HeadStart. The book will be distributed to Year 7 students.
Students in Year 7 have been creating plant coasters on the theme of ‘growing’ and are now working on developing a logo for the Wellbeing Hub which sits at the heart of the school.
Year 9 students attended a workshop presented by Samaritans who talked to them about their service and its history, emotional and mental health and relationships. Students also had the opportunity to take part in an interactive listening exercise.
*3 Student Advisors, a Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Specialist Teacher of Educational Need, Sixth Form Support Co-ordinator, Mental Health Co-ordinator, School Counsellor, School Nurse, SENCO, Assistant SENCO, Safeguarding Team and Tonks our Wellbeing Dog.