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Economics students take part in Global Investment Competition

Congratulations to Sixth Form students who took part in Wharton’s Global Investment Competition that is designed to provide students with an opportunity to learn how to invest money in the stock market.

Students worked in groups to formulate ideas and wrote up reports that showcased their strategies.

The team explain more: "Overall, this was an engaging experience that extended our knowledge about the stock market and companies in general. To ensure we made good investments, we had to take steps such as observing the market, analysing companies' financial statements and using tools such as ‘moving average trade lines.’ Although this experience was fun, we did come across challenges, such as making losses, however, our determination to ensure we always had a backup plan and to make efficient changes allowed us all to eventually make profit. I would recommend this challenge to everyone, and we look forward to taking part again next year".

Tagged  Main School  Sixth Form 