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Admissions Policy Consultations

16 December 2024

Admissions Consultation – September 2026 Admissions

Dear Stakeholder,

Tonbridge Grammar School is consulting on its Admissions Policy for September 2026. The purpose of this consultation is so that we, as a school, comply with the DfE School Admissions Code 2021 and consult with our local and wider community when there are proposed changes and/or every seven years.

The consultation has been set to ensure a minimum of six weeks and is timed to allow for the Board of Trustees time to consider all comments made during the consultation window.

Period of consultation: 16 December 2024 to 27 January 2025

Requests for admission outside of normal age group: clarity regarding the process of application and considerations made.

Year 12:

  1. Entry requirements updated for more clarity with reference to a new appendix
  2. PAN adjusted to reflect a maximum of 180; external applicants only admitted up to PAN of 180 where the transfer of TGS students is less than the PAN
  3. Applications Process now detailed
  4. Oversubscription Criteria has been updated to rank students according to APS of their top 10 GCSEs, or total if less than 10 studied
  5. Appendix 2 added to support entry requirements

The proposed new arrangements can be viewed in the attachment below.

A copy of our proposed Admission Policy is also attached to this letter.

How to Respond to the Consultation:

The Board of Trustees would welcome comments and questions during this period of consultation on any aspect of the proposed changes to arrangements, not on any other aspect of our policy; responses can be sent:

• via email to: • or sent by post to:

The Clerk to the Trustees
Tonbridge Grammar School
Deakin Leas

We invite responses from all those within The Tonbridge Grammar School community, as well as prospective parents, key stakeholders and the local community. All responses will be considered prior to the Board of Trustee’s Determination of the Admission Criteria. The final admissions arrangements will be published on the school’s website by 15th March 2025, in line with statutory guidelines.
