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Congratulations to Melanie (Y11) who has successfully passed the rigorous selection process and been made an Arkwright Scholar

“An Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is the most esteemed scholarship of its type in the UK, designed to inspire students to pursue their dreams and change the world as an outstanding engineer of the future.” (

The scholarships are very competitive and there is a rigorous selection process involving an extensive application form, a personal project, a formal written and drawn assessment, and then an interview. Melanie’s success means she will be given support during her journey through the Sixth Form in different ways, for example hands-on work experience, a mentor, project support and career planning.

“I am so happy to have received this scholarship and I look forward to the opportunities that it provides.”

Melanie, Year 11

Mr Seedhouse and Mrs Boddy would like to hugely congratulate Melanie on this fantastic and well-deserved achievement. It has taken an extraordinary amount of extra commitment and time to do this, at the same time as working hard for her GCSEs.

A tremendous accomplishment!

If you are in Y10, aspire to be an engineer, have a suitable project in mind and would like to apply for this next year please pass your name to Mr Seedhouse or Mrs Boddy and we will start the process in Y11. Visit Arkwright’s website for more information.

Tagged  Main School 