Travel Plan
Building on the Travel Plan 2014 produced by Tonbridge Grammar School (TGS), the School’s Travel Action Group has led the discussion, development and production of annual School Travel Plan Surveys, which helps the Group monitor and provide an action plan to take the original Travel Plan forward. The Plan and its annual surveys, is hence a proactive mechanism to try to tackle traffic and travel issues to and from the school.
Travelling to and from school
When walking to Tonbridge Grammar School, please follow the routes as show in the presentation here.
Public Transport
When using public transport to reach Tonbridge Grammar School it is important to be well-disciplined. Students that are using public transport must be aware that they are representing the school and are expected to behave in an appropriate manner and treat members of public with respect.
When waiting for buses students are expected to wait in a respectable manner, ensuring that members of the public can easily pass by without stepping into the road
- Consider car sharing.
- Consider not driving your children to school - use of public transport instead.
- If there is no practical option other than to drive to school, avoid Deakin Leas.
- Suggested action to avoid congestion:
- Always approach the school from the bottom of Deakin Leas.
- Only use designated parking bays to drop off or wait and always ensure students can safely step out onto the pavement not directly onto the road.
Do not park on or across:
- Double yellow lines (It is illegal and highly dangerous for all students) particularly near the tabled junctions at the top and bottom of Deakin Leas.
- Neighbours’ driveways or dropped kerbs.
- Taylor Close – it is a private road and therefore has no public access, parking or ‘waiting’).
- Please do not turn your car around on Deakin Leas, Baltic Road or at the the junction but continue into other surrounding roads.
- Dropping off/picking up in Baltic Road also causes congestion if cars turn around - please avoid this.
- Support walking to school by park and drop – drop your children off a few minutes away from the congested roads, so they walk the last part to school eg. Sainsbury’s Car Park.
- Parents/carers must not drive onto the school grounds to drop off or pick up students unless there is a medical or approved reason to do so.
- When visitors do leave the school site at peak times they should always turn left on exiting to help ensure the smooth running of traffic on Deakin Leas.
Travelling to and from school events
We are able to offer parking to parents/carers from our 81 spaces at school.
There are a limited number of disabled spaces for registered disabled badge holders available; please request in advance to ensure a space is reserved.
If parking off site, please remember that the School is located in a residential area and we ask that you specifically show consideration to our resident neighbours. Please note that Taylor Close is not a public road and is for permit holders only. Where possible you are advised to park in Tonbridge town centre and walk to the school, allowing 10-15 minutes for the journey.
Alternative routes from the school after school events to avoid congestion can be found here.
TAG (Travel Action Group)
The Travel Action Group comprises representatives from our neighbouring roads, school staff, parents, governors, the local Police and Councillors that review progress and actions on the School Travel Plan. They meet three times a year.
If you are interested in representing a neighbouring area to the School, please contact the School (